The project is based on the principles of the Design Thinking Process, going through the phases of empa-thizing with the target group, defining the insights and the users needs, ideation, prototyping and testing.
The project is also based on the method of Designing for Meaningfulness, by Vanessa Carpenter, ph.d.
In the initial empathizing phase we conducted etnographic research through Wardrobe interviews and Make tool sessions with individuals from the target group. This reseach gave an insight into material preferences, personal style, personal values, wants and needs. We also learned that headaches and migraines are common symptoms of menopause, that can have a negative impact on the daily life of women going experiencing menopause.
Based on the finding from our ethnographic research and desktop research on menopause we created a persona for whom we targeted our design. We also defined our design drivers and created a moodboard.
Through Arduino workshops we explored electronics as a material for idea generation.
A requirement for the project was to include haptic feedback in the design, so we explored different types of haptic feedback such as vibration and heat.
Through desktop research we learned about acu-pressure as a pain reliever and in our ideation proces we explored jewelry for different bodyparts, which are said to help relief migraines and headaches.
Prototyping and testing was done by 3D drawing and printing in resin in addition creating digital prototypes in collaborationwith our partners from the Product Development and Integrative Technology programme at Copenhagen School of Design and Technology.
The result was two prototypes, one made by 3D prin-ting and lost wax casting in silver, one made from a resin print connected to a small touchpad and a vibra-ting motor carefully installed directly in the printed hand piece.
The finished silver prototype shows a piece of jewelry that can be worn directly on the hand as a comfortable hand clampwhich at once stimulates the acupressure point connected to headaches and migraines and untraditionally and beautifullyadorns the hand of the wearer.